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Deep Classroom

What all these documents have in common is that they offer alternatives for students and teachers trapped in what Friere calls the "Banking Model" of education. 

The great thinker Krishnamurti shares his perspectives about the revolutionary value of Education. 

Lockhart is a high school math teacher who laments that the true "sexy and psychedelic" beauty of Math is not taught to students. Instead, students are made to labor through problems that bore or confuse them. This is a revolutionary essay, and should be read by all teachers, not just Math teachers. 

This 48 page document is loaded with ideas for teachers and students. It is organized by 5 categories: Deep Classroom / Student Voice / PBL / Hayward / Curriculum Creations

Excerpted from a Literature Review of Student Voice that SIC coordinator Sean McFarland researched during his sabbatical.

Former Chabot student Karina Contreras ruminates about the intersection of Passion and Equity.

Voices, Capacity, Design, Love—4 core values that shape how we can teach.

Equity is more than just a way to teach. It is also a mindset, a philosophy, a way of considering education, and society itself.

This table lays out the relationship between individual students, the classroom, and the wider community in terms of personal passion.

This list of ruminations, provocations, and queries always engenders lively discussion between teachers.

Baldwin’s timeless call to students to challenge their teachers and education itself.

How do we create Practices that leverage student capacity so that it can be celebrated and transferred into cognition and learning? What Practices cause students to feel their brains differently so they can accelerate?

How Was the Ride? | Chabot students speak candidly about a wide variety of issues: the fears and uncertainties they had about their own Capacity at the start of the semester; the challenging work asked of them in an accelerated classroom setting; the role Love plays--or should play--in the classroom and curriculum; and much more.

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