One of the guiding principles of the SIC philosophy is Sustainability. SIC is inspired by the word in its most broad meanings, from making sure we recycle and compost, to supporting students to sustain their education, to supporting community efforts to sustain diverse cultures.
Recycling the Gift
Recycling the Gift explores how personal passion intersects not only with the education, but also with the larger community and with Nature itself. The film weaves in Ecology as both metaphor and model for how our schools can more effectively serve students.
Sustainability Center
Chabot English students and Passion & Purpose students organized a conference attended by many Chabot administrators, including the Facilities Committee. The goal of the conference was start a conversation about the building of a Sustainability Center with bond funding. Chabot students researched then created their versions of a Sustainability Center.
Earth Week
Chabot College has a robust history of active participation in national Earth Day and Earth Week celebrations. As part of SIC and Passion & Purpose’s commitment to sustainability, they have offered their enthusiasm and involvement to Chabot’s yearly Earth Week efforts.
Campus Wide Composting
The RAGE club is working with Chabot M&O to expand the exciting and successful composting program that Chabot has instituted.